Edmodo tools for Teachers (Training pics)

The following pictures have been taken from a short training session I did for teachers in September 2013 to inform them of the tools Edmodo offers teachers and how we can use them with our classes. They might be useful for anyone considering the platform in their EFL classroom: This work is licensed under a... Continue Reading →

Edmodo summer extra

I am using the platform with my summer courses which run every day for 2 weeks and I have been musing on what the factors are for stimulating St-St interaction on a platform like Edmodo. My first group of teens used the platform sparingly, just the minimum necessary (catch up on missed lessons, uploading homework)... Continue Reading →

Edmodo part 2: post-epiphany

Last year, I suggested using Edmodo with our older YLs and there was an agreement with YL management that I could trial it with one or two classes. A couple of other teachers were brought on board to get a wider perspective on the project. This is what happened: 1. A class survey to understand... Continue Reading →

Edmodo part 1: Pre-epiphany

I first used Edmodo (Edmodo, Inc) as a result of a school trial to investigate the effectiveness of social learning sites in 2011. It immediately became clear that the potential for adding value to a student's learning experience was immense.  Initially, the idea was to use it much like a blog - post what you... Continue Reading →

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